Chirpy, Leeds - Contemporary gift shop & workshop space

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Introducing... Zoe Spry

We’re delighted to introduce a new card supplier, Zoe Spry. Her gorgeous cards have just arrived and our Chirpy customers already love them.

Here’s a little interview we did with Zoe to find out a little more about her.

Tell me a little bit about yourselves & your company

I’m currently a one woman band creating fun paper goods and stationery based in Bristol. That means I do everything from designing, to social media, to sales, to dispatching. I’m hoping to get some help in the near future as the business continues to grow, I’m always very busy (which I’m very very grateful for!)

How did you get into doing what you’re doing?

I started making cards as a hobby when I finished my degree in Textile design. I licensed a few designs to publishers while gaining industry experience as a full time Children’s Book Designer. It wasn’t until I was made redundant from my studio role that I took the plunge into self employed life!

What does a ‘normal’ day look like?

Every day is slightly different but it always is based around the same sort of routine: emails, admin, designing, packing and dispatching orders, as well as doing freelance design work in between- it gets really busy but I love the variety.

Biggest achievement to date?

Putting myself out there to do trade shows has been a really big step for the business. It was really daunting at first but so good to meet people face to face!

Where can we find your cards?

You can find my cards in a number of fabulous independent retailers (including Chirpy..!) across the globe. I’ve recently started stocking Oliver Bonas and have a range of licensed designs in Tesco stores.

Favourite card you’ve designed  / most popular card design?

My most popular card is the ‘happy birthday letter candles’ card with gold foil finish. I think the bright colours and foil confetti make it a great all-rounder which is why it sells so well.

Have you seen any changing card trends over the last 12 months?

I’m noticing more and more shaped diecut cards. I think brands are constantly looking for ways to stand out and you can create some really exciting finished pieces via this method.

Why do you think sending cards is still so important?

In a world which is so fast paced with technology, it’s so easy to just send a text. I personally love the process of choosing a card and writing in it, as well as receiving a card in which the sender has taken time to consider what they think I’d like. It’s a more personal and more considered action.

Best thing about running your own business?

Watching something grow which started from a tiny seed. Being in charge of my own destiny is also very exciting!

Advice to someone looking to turn their hobby / talent into a business?

Keep practicing your skill to always get better! Be willing to learn from others and be kind to yourself.

Plans for the future?

To keep expanding our range of cards, do more trade shows and hopefully grow our list of amazing stockists :)

Check out Zoe Spry’s Instagram HERE