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Chapel Allerton Indies : The Perfumed Garden

This year we’re shining a light on our neighbouring independent businesses in Chapel Allerton.

Just walk down the Harrogate Road and you’ll find a great selection of independent shops and businesses for all your gift, food and well-being needs

This week we’re focusing on The Perfumed Garden, a gorgeous florist run by Carole.

To get to know The Perfumed Garden a little bit more, here’s a little interview I did with Carole…

Tell me a little bit about yourself & your business, including team members

I’m Carole and I’ve had my little empire here in CA for 15 years. BC, (that’s Before Carole), the business was a super tiny little traditional flower shop that my late Mum in law set up in 1997.
Working alongside myself, is the head of security and concierge….  Oliver !! Officially the meeter and greeter who will be your best friend in exchange for a treat !
Im lucky that my family help out when I’m busy alongside a couple of a very good florist friends.

How did you get into doing what you’re doing?

I got into floristry after a disastrous start at hair dressing college. So opted for a YTS in a flower shop. (Showing my age now !) I’d always been plant monitor throughout school and was super creative, so thought this was the next best thing.

What does a ‘normal’ day look like?

I’m up early and get to the shop long before folk are about. Get Oliver sorted with breakfast and a pooch mooch, before setting up the shop for the day, then hopefully sitting in the sun with a coffee (or three). 

Biggest achievement to date?

I can’t actually think of just one achievement, cause to be fair, there’s lots, but perhaps the funniest one is when I became a bit of a tv star when I lived in NZ. Someone somewhere will still have the video evidence of that !

Favourite product you sell?

My personal favourite product would have to be our tropical hand tied of flowers. Bold , bright  and a beautiful statement ! Lovely to deliver and see the recipients face!!

Best & worst thing about running your own business?

The best thing about running my own business is the freedom, not having to report to anyone senior, stocking exactly what I like and chatting to folk ! Especially fellow ‘doggers’ (just to clarify: that’s the 4 paws and waggy tail variety) The worst thing is without a doubt,  the days when it’s absolutely dead as a door nail and I spend all day long in here waiting !!!

Favourite time of your in the business?

My favourite time of year is the build up to any peak periods when I have lots of folk helping in the shop.

Is there another business in Chapel Allerton you’d like to run for a day?

I wouldn’t like to run any other business in CA but I’d be happy to help anyone for a day.

Plans for 2025 / the future?

I’ve started the year selling my house and trying to find somewhere to live in CA, so my main focus this year will be trying to improve my business whilst cost cutting at the same time !!

Why should people shop local and support their local indie businesses?

CA is a beautiful suburb to live in. Without bricks and mortar businesses like ours, it would be just like many of the less affluent areas around us. Keep the high street thriving !! Support us !! Please !!

Where can we find you?

We’re at 19 Harrogate Road, Chapel Allerton

Instagram & Facebook : @theperfumedgardenleeds