Chirpy, Leeds - Contemporary gift shop & workshop space

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Focus on .... LOVELY Caz!

Lizzie Chancellor

Focus On...

Our second ‘Focus On…’ introduces you to Caz who runs Lovely Skincare - we love her hand cream, face mask and lip balms in Chirpy. The perfect presents or treat for yourself because everyone wants something LOVELY!

Ch: Tell me a little bit about yourself

C: My name’s Caz, and I live in Sheffield with my husband Tommy. I moved here in 2006 to study German & Music at Sheffield University, and followed it up with a Masters in Psychology of Music. I love it here because it’s so close to the Peak District, and feels more like a town than a city. I’m not a city girl!

Ch: How did you start you business

C:I decided pretty swiftly after I finished my Masters that I wanted to try starting my own business. I’d like to pretend that it was a big lightbulb moment, but it was more like a creeping thought that if other people could do it then I could do it too! I was really interested in skincare and already knew a lot about what ingredients I’d need to use, so it began tentatively as a (very expensive) hobby. From the very beginning of Lovely, I knew that it was going to be as much about the packaging as it was about the formulation. To create something from nothing then hearing that other people love it just as much as you do is the best feeling!

Ch: What does a ‘normal’ day look like?

C: I try not to do the same thing every day, because it gets boring. I generally come into the workshop and check my emails, issue invoices and print off the day’s orders while I’m having a coffee. Then move onto fulfilling orders, and if I need to make stock for any of those orders, pop my apron on and start making. If I have a few big orders at the same time, I might spend a few full days making products. Although I love creating new products and researching and meeting customers and clients at markets and shows, when you run a small business by yourself, most days look the same and aren’t very interesting, because I do everything myself!

Ch: What’s been your biggest achievement?

C: Back when my business was quite small, I had a nationwide contract with Accessorize which was really really exciting for me at the time. Although that was (and is still) a big deal, I've realised since that while that's a big standalone achievement, I'm prouder of the large network of small stockists that I've built up and order time and time again. I love the personal relationship I'm able to have with a lot of them, and it's because of them that my business is where it is today.

Ch: What’s the favourite thing you make?

C: I think my favourite has to be my hand cream, because it was the first formula I developed for my own skin. While I was setting up my business I worked as a chef, and my skin became really dry and itchy from the heat in the kitchen, so it’s a really rich and nourishing cream that I use all over my face and body.

Ch: What the best thing about running your own business?

C: The absolute best thing is the freedom to choose what you do from day to day. But of course the opposite is also true - sometimes you have no choice to do all of the jobs you hate for weeks on end because there's no one else to pick up the slack!

Ch: What advice would you give to anyone wanting to turn their hobby into a business?

C: I always sound like a kill-joy when I talk about this, but I think it's important to remember that once you make your hobby your job, it’s not a hobby anymore. It's your job and you're not going to love doing it as a job just because it used to be your hobby - most people's jobs have good and bad parts and this is no exception! It's really stressful but also really rewarding. You have to be sure that you want the stress as well as the rewards, because it isn't easy.

Ch: Is there a hobby or craft you would love to try?

C: I'm desperate to try needlepunching! I need to order some things and get started ASAP

Ch: Why do you feel people should shop local?

C: People should shop local if they're able because it supports your local economy. It creates jobs and opportunities for people in the local area. Also, in a small business we're able to affect change within our organisations and local communities much quicker and with a more lasting effect than big corporations, so we're often the more ethical choice.

Ch: Have you had to adapt your business during Covid?

C: Actually because I supply a few online gift box companies, I've had a really busy lockdown! It's great to have the extra trade but I can't help being secretly jealous while watching my husband lie in the garden with a gin & tonic...

We hope you enjoy the LOVELY products as much as we do in Chirpy!

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