Chirpy, Leeds - Contemporary gift shop & workshop space

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Focus on ... Holly of Lucky Ink

This month we’re focusing on Holly from Lucky Ink. I found Holly at this month’s PG Live tradeshow and loved her cards so much that she got my Sunshine Ticket. Her cards have just arrived in Chirpy snd few love them!

To get to know Holly a little bit more, here’s a little interview we did with her :

Tell me a little bit about yourselves.

Hello : ) I’m Holly and I have a card making studio in Dunmow, Essex. I’ve been creating and hot foiling cards ‘properly’ for the last 4 years from my garden workshop. It’s very much a family affair with Madge (my Mum) and Matt (my partner) that dive in to help when it gets busy.

How did you get into doing what you’re doing?

I worked in publishing for about 15 years and had the urge to craft something from scratch. So I started learning about letterpress, countless video and books and I volunteered at Letterpress Design when it was based in Rayne. Learning on the job was a brilliant insight. Then I had to juggle working full time in London, volunteering and setting up a small wedding stationery business.

I finally took the leap to go full time self employment after a couple of years and although it’s tough, anxiety inducing and full of unknowns it has been the best decision for me and my family.

What does a ‘normal’ day look like?

A typical good day looks like, up at 5:30am, gym at 6am (more for the old mental wellbeing), home 6:45, coffee & emails, organise kids for school, order anything needed like prints/packaging. Switch on foiler and print any orders. Package and do post runs ideally before school pickup. I juggle this with my 3 year old in tow normally. And if I have time I’ll potter about my garden.

A typical bad day is procrastinating over the to do list and not getting very far and looking at quotes that tangle my head. As well as eating my body weight in sugar and drinking fair too much coffee.

Biggest achievement to date (personally or business wise)?

I felt proud to do my second trade show at Top Drawer, I was in the stationery section. I took a webinar to help with confidence and be proud to show the product I was making.

Anytime someone puts in a second order makes me really proud, the confirmation that the cards are selling well. Up until that point it’s all nerves!

And personal achievement I would say working in different countries. I went through a stage of just saying yes and thinking about it afterwards. I got a few good stories from my travels : ) I don’t have the energy to do it now!

Where can we find your cards?

Slowly building up a lovely indie stockist list. Obviously now at the lovely Chirpy store as well as Otherletters (South-On-Sea), The Baytree Company (Edinburgh), Lathams Home (Epping), Loola Loves (Macclesfield), Bartrums & Co (Hay-on-Wye).

Favourite card you’ve designed  / most popular card design?

I love a pink & red clash so any cards with that combo. My Monochrome and gold collection that is super graphic and bold. My most popular card is Happy Birthday Lovely in gold foil on a black scallop background.

Have you seen any changing card trends over the last 12 months?

For me the changing of technology seems to be creating less exposure for people. It’s harder just to come across businesses by chance. That’s why trade fairs are key to be able to chat and have meaningful interactions.

Why do you think sending cards is still so important?

It’s important to show someone you’re thinking about them. For me I don’t get to catch up with friends a lot so a card means a person has taken time to think about only you, put their words on paper and pop in the post so you receive a sweet surprise on your doormat.

Best thing about running your own business?

I get to juggle. I have time for my family and work from my garden. I feel incredibly lucky to be able to do that. And for my children to pop in and make cards with me is wonderful.

Advice to someone looking to turn their hobby / talent into a business?

More action and less thinking about practicalities. Obviously don’t just jump ship but do have the belief and confidence to make it happen, because it will.

Plans for the future?

More designing and maybe expanding into gift wrap. My kids are small so I want to grow things slowly and be able to provide the quality always to my stockists and have a good life balance too

You can check out Holly’s gorgeous cards in Chirpy now!