Chirpy, Leeds - Contemporary gift shop & workshop space

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Focus on ... Liz aka Dicky Bird

This month’s Focus on .. is Liz, one of our favourite card suppliers Dicky Bird. Liz’s cards fly of the shelves in Chirpy and are some of the most popular we stock so we thought it was about time we shone a light on her

Here’s a little interview we did with Liz to find out a little more about her.

Tell me a little bit about yourselves & your company

Dicky Bird is me - Liz - a small studio based in South East London. My aim has always been to create cards which are elegant and classic but also contemporary and fun.

How did you get into doing what you’re doing?

I originally trained as a graphic designer at the London College of Communication but was always a fan of European illustrators such as Dick Bruna and Tove Jansson - as well as Japanese kawaii characters like Hello Kitty! A serial card buyer, I was always searching for simple, understated designs but could rarely find them.

What does a ‘normal’ day look like?

There are lots of different days really. As a one woman show you have to do everything! But I like that. I hop from new designs to accounts, trade fairs to product research, customer service to photography.

Biggest achievement to date?

Seeing my designs for sale in the Parisian boutique Colette, once described as ‘the trendiest store in the world’ by Forbes. What can I say?!

 Where can we find your cards?

Over the years, Dicky Bird cards have graced the shelves of Liberty of London, the Design Museum, The British Museum, Tate Modern & Tate Britain, The Designers Guild and The Conran Shop – but most importantly, many amazing independents – like Chirpy!

Favourite card you’ve designed / most popular card design?

That’s an impossible question! But I do really like the Black Cat design at the moment – it just reminds me of something from my childhood I think.

Have you seen any changing card trends over the last 12 months?

I honestly try not to look at what other card publishers are doing – I just like to keep in my own lane and do the things I like. Things I’ve liked lately though are toadstools, blossom flowers and nail art.

Why do you think sending cards is still so important?

It’s still a hundred times nicer to receive a card in the post than it is to get a text message or digital card. There’s just something a bit magic about it and I don’t think that will ever change.

Best thing about running your own business?

In a nutshell, being your own boss. It gives you freedom.

Advice to someone looking to turn their hobby / talent into a business?

If you think there’s a market for what you do, give it a go. I started off by producing a small collection and selling at fairs and markets – it gives you a good idea of what’s popular and what doesn’t sell. Remember it can be a bit lonely at times – and don’t forget you have to do the boring stuff too, like accounts!

Plans for the future?

I‘ve done some collaborations with other designers and companies in the past and I’d like to do some more of that. It’s nice to work with other people.

 Check out Dicky Bird’s Instagram HERE

And pop into Chirpy to buy Liz’s cards, but be quick as they sell out!