Chirpy, Leeds - Contemporary gift shop & workshop space

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Focus On ... Dani from Grant + Blossom

The smile behind the brand

This month we’re focusing on another local maker, Dani of Grant + Blossom, a candle company who’s gorgeous candles have just arrived in Chirpy

Here’s a little interview we did with Dani.

CH: Tell me a little bit about yourself

D:I'm Dani and I'm the founder of Grant + Blossom; I partner with independent artists to create bold, beautiful and sustainable candles.

CH:How did the business start?

D:I started making candles a couple of years ago for myself and as gifts and started developing ideas around owning my own business around then too.  But, it wasn't until we were in the middle of the pandemic and I was furloughed/ on maternity leave that I finally plucked up the courage to dive right in and start! I officially launched in August 2020, eight weeks after my baby girl was born and it's been a whirlwind ever since. I was made redundnat in March, so since April both children have been in nursery and I've really been able to focus on the business more or less full time. 

CH: What does a ‘normal’ day look like?

D:I get up and get my children ready for nursery and once they have left the house I enjoy a quiet coffee by myself! I start working at around 9am (though the beauty of owning my own business is that I can be pretty flexible with start and finish times!) I work 4 days a week and I try to spend half of that time in my workshop pouring / wrapping candles and the other half doing admin/ marketing etc. Every day is pretty different because as the owner of the business I'm wearing many hats! 

CH: What’s been your biggest achievement to date?

D: There are a couple of things that I'm really proud of; on a personal level having two gorgeous (slightly bonkers) children. On a professional level, taking the leap to finally launch my own business  - it has been the best decision I think I have made and I love it! Through the sale of my candles I've raised over £800 for charity and I've been a finalist for an Indie Business Award which is incredible. 

CH: What’s been the favourite thing you’ve made?

D: I honestly love all the candles I make because so much time goes into creating them; from working artists and choosing the right designs, to matching the right fragrances and testing them to make sure they are the very best quality - they are all a labour of love. I think my very first Limited Edition Candle working with the fabulous Digital Artist Lucy Turner will always hold a special place in my heart though. Lucy was the very  first artist I worked with and and seeing her work on my candle cemented the idea of working with artists on my other candles.

CH: What’s the best thing about running your own business?

D: The freedom! Don't get me wrong, it's stressful and I feel like I'm running at 120mph most of the time - but the ability to make decisions and run a business the way that I think it should be run is liberating and exciting! I can be really agile and try things out without having to answer to anyone if it doesn't work, which is amazing. 

CH: What advice would you give to anyone looking to set up their own business?

D: Don't worry about not having all the answers at the beginning.  I think one of the reasons it took me so long to get started is that I felt like I had to have everything perfected before launching because I was comparing myself to really established brands like Oliver Bonas and The White Company  - but really, I should have just started sooner and learnt along the way! Somehow that doesn't seem as scary anymore and I'm happy not having all the answers; it's half of the fun and makes the wins even more satisfying. 

CH : Is there a craft you haven’t tried but would like to?

D: Upholstering! I'm pretty into crafts so have tried lots of different mediums.  Things like painting and pottery I could see myself picking up again as a hobby as I've loved them when I've done workshops. But upholserty has been on my list for a while! I love finding furniture gems at vintage and antique shops, and I would love to learn how to give some of them a new lease of life ... maybe with a bit of Grant + Blossom flair and upholsetred in an indie artist's work ;) who knows! 

CH: Why should people shop local?

D :I think throughout the pandemic we have all seen just how important local businesses have been.  They really have been the beating heart of our communities and helped us get through the strangest and most difficult year we have seen in a while. We need to remember these small businesses as we re -enter our familiar and fast paced world; these are the shops that know your name, know what you like, will go that extra mile to make your purchase feel special - and they can do it all without an algorithym or clever marketing because they take the time to get to know you as a person, and not just a number.  I have loved my local highstreet during the pandemic and would really miss it if it wasn't there - so use it or lose it people!  

Thanks Dani for letting us get to know you!

Check out the new range of Dani’s table candles & scented candles we have in store and online and watch this space for an exciting collaboration later in the year!